How do you like the idea of an “island of sanity”?

I first heard this term at a talk a few years ago.  It has stayed with me. It feels like something I want in my toolbox.  

It’s the notion that, in the middle of wildly disruptive seas (all the things going wrong with the world) it is possible to create “islands of sanity”.  

Before you read on, I invite you to pause a minute and have a think. What does “island of sanity” evoke for you?

Are you defined by your work?

And to take this question to a deeper level, do you sometimes worry that you’re not sure who you are as a person, if you take away your work identity?

If so, I invite you to join me in a little experiment. It will cost you nothing and it may start to open up a whole new world to you.

If you don’t have time to read the whole blog (6 mins), scroll down to the experiment.